Research Portfolio
Research Portfolio
- Predictive Model (Regression) Integrated under Prescriptive Model (Two-Stage Shipment Linear Optimization Model)
- Data Preparation via Python{NumPy, Pandas}, and Model Solution via Python {Gurobi}.
- Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) Conditions Implementation.
- Portable Batch System (PBS) High Performance Computing Job Scheduler for Multi-Job Submission with UNIX Cluster.
- Progressive Hedging Algorithm for Decomposition Technique.
- Developed an Algorithm to Optimize Generalization Error.
- Prescription-Embedded Predictive Neural Network Models
- Predictive and Prescriptive Two Neural Network Structures Integrated via Custom Loss Function.
- Data Preparation via Python{NumPy, Pandas}, and Model Solution via Python {TensorFlow}.
- SLURM High Performance Computing Job Scheduler for Multi-Job Submission.
- Integrate TensorFlow with ScipyDirect to Find Optimal Loss.
- Predicting the Duration of Surgical Operations via Text Mining and Data Modelling
- Data Preparation and Cleaning via MATLAB (from scratch)
- Text Mining and Feature Engineering in R by Using Different Statistical Analysis.
- Neural Network and Random Forest Implementations with Multiple Correspondence Analysis in R.
- Other Research Portfolio
- An Extensive Implementation of Recently Developed End to End Learning Models in Literature.
- Evaluation and Comparison of Different Prescriptive Models via Python {Gurobi,PyTorch, TensorFlow}
- Deep Learning, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks, SVM Implementations in MATLAB and R with Well-Known Data Sets.
- Implementation of Benders Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization.
- Implementation of L-Shaped Method and The Multicut L-Shaped Method for Stochastic Optimization.
- Designed a Genetic Algorithm for Evolutionary Data Mining (from scratch).
- Designed K-Means, PCA, and AdaBoost Algorithms (from scratch).
Journal Papers
Journal Papers
- Working Papers & Under Review
- Mehmet Kolcu, Alper Murat, ”Prescription-Embedded Predictive Neural Network Models”
- Mehmet Kolcu, ”Predicting the Duration of a Surgical Operation Duration via Text Mining and Data Modelling”
- Work in Progress
- Mehmet Kolcu, Alper Murat, ”A survey on Integration of Data and Decision Sciences”
- Mehmet Kolcu, Alper Murat, ”Repairing Decisions through Machine Learning Models”
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
- Controlling Generalization Error of Joint Predictive and Prescriptive Tasks, 2019 Graduate Research Symposium, Detroit, MI
- Integrating Machine Learning Algorithms with Decision Problems, 2018 Graduate Research Symposium, Detroit, MI
- Surgery Duration Prediction from Surgery Description, 2017 Departmental Research Presentation, Detroit, MI